Real - Rustic - Relaxed

Esteva - brave pioneer with unexpected beauty

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Tuesday, February 22, 2022

In the hills that connect the Algarve with Alentejo, you will find great biodiversity. Everywhere you see sobreiros (cork oaks), azinheiras (holm oaks), eucalyptus, medronheiros (strawberry trees), wild herbs such as rosemary, mint and lavender and heather. The Esteva (sometimes called xara) can also be found there in large numbers. In the spring, nature puts on a remarkable show here, transforming hills into a festival of colors and scents, in which the Esteva p...

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New campervan service point in São Marcos da Serra

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Sunday, February 9, 2020 In : news and information 

On 31 January 2020 São Marcos da Serra opened this brandnew motorhome service area next to the village. The area of 2000 m2 offers space for 22 campervans free of charge. There is drinkable water, electric chargers, a dump station for wastewater disposal and rubbish bins. 

It is expected that this service will attract more tourists to our little village and boost local economy a bit. The people of São Marcos da Serra welcomed this facility.

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São Marcos da Serra Community Centre Re-opening

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Sunday, February 2, 2014 In : community 

If anybody was thinking that São Marcos da Serra was slowly dying, they are now proven wrong!
The community of our beloved village is alive and kicking, as could be witnessed at the great re-opening of the community centre on the 31st of January.

Full house, great music, happy people, lots of dancing, drinks and food, people of all ages gathering together. It was a lovely festivity, organised by a dedicated group of people that want to bring back activities for you...

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Medronho - Much More Than A Drink

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Monday, November 11, 2013 In : nature 

These are some Medronho berries. They grow on the Strawberry Tree - Arbutus Unedo - and are mainly used to create the famous Algarvean Aguardente de Mendronho.

The berries have an acquired taste. Maybe that is why it has "Unedo" in its Latin name, which means: eat only 1. The fruit and the pretty little flowers can be see all at the same time, between October and December. It takes a complete year for the berry to develop from flower to ripe fruit. First they are g...
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The new members of the council of S. Marcos da Serra

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 In : news and information 
The new equipe of the freguesia of São Marcos da Serra have been installed now. 

President - Luís Manuel Viegas Cabrita (PSD)
Secretary - Maria Esmeralda Ramos Rosa (PSD)
Teasurer - Rosa Maria Coelho Guerreiro (CDU)
Members of the council:
President - José Manuel de Oliveira Rodrigues (PSD)
1st Secretary - Rui Miguel Fernandes Grilo Freitas Monteiro (PSD) 
2nd Secretary - Licínio Roberto Lourenço Ramos (CDU)
PS - Ricardo José Guerreiro, José António Montes Folgado, Maria Teresa Calado...

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Elections 2013

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Thursday, October 3, 2013 In : news and information 

The elections for the junta de freguesia of São Marcos da Serra were held on the 29th of September and the results surprised many.  72,47% of the registered voters came to town to make their choice!

The PSD won with 39,74% (341 votes), which means that Luis Cabrita will be the new President of São Marcos da Serra for the coming 4 years. 

Here some numbers:

PSD  -  39,74 %  -  341 votes   -   4 seats in the council + the president (2009: 25,45% - 224 votes - 2 s...
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Festas de Verão - 2013

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 In : festivals and fairs 

Its summertime again and São Marcos da Serra looks forward to celebrate.  This year the event will take place in the centre of the village. Come and join in on 9 and 10 August. Lots of live entertainment, food and drinks will provide the circumstances for a wonderful evening.

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Feira do Folar 2013

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 In : festivals and fairs 

São Marcos da Serra would like to welcome you to the XVth edition of the Feira do Folar (Easter Cake Fair) between 29 and 31 March 2013.

The event is sponsored by the city of Silves (CMS), with support from the local Parish Council, the Serrano Football Club and the Association of Humanitarian S. Marcos da Serra.

Traditional folklore will be presented by approximately two dozen exhibitors with the region's traditional produ...

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Full Moon In The Serra

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Monday, January 28, 2013 In : personal 


Normally we live a quite "natural" life, speaking about getting up and going to bed. We more or less rise with the sun and go to sleep early after the big light has gone. But there are exceptions, occasions and special events that make us stay up late.....

Last night was one of these nights. With the full moon rising over the serra, we decided to go to São Marcos da Serra for a drink and some chocolate from the gambling machine in one of the local café´s...

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Coffee, Just The Way You Like It !

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Friday, January 25, 2013 In : way of life 
                                                                                              um meia de leite
The Portuguese are proud of their coffee. And not without reason! Some of the richest coffee growing countries in the world are ex-colonies of Portugal. Although the sound of the coffee grinder and the espresso machine can be annoying at times, it also promises a great quality coffee is nearby. The Portuguese generally do not drink their coff...

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Tail of Tornado Touches São Marcos da Serra

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Saturday, November 17, 2012 In : news and information 

On Friday 16 November a powerful tornado hit the coast of the Algarve at Carvoeiro, ran through Loagoa and Silves and ended at São Marcos da Serra. There was great damage, especially in Lagoa and Silves, but right at the end of the tornado, at the road leading towards Joios and Fitos, there was also a lot of damage done.


This tree was lifted from its position and thrown into this field.


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São Marcos da Serra inspired un unknown poet

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Sunday, October 21, 2012 In : history 

Once upon a time some unknown poet got inspired by São Marcos da Serra and wrote this poem on the characteristics of several hamlets belonging to the freguesia.

A Ribeira-de-baixo é um pontal
A Retorta não tem partilha
Não falando na Fatamilha
Vale de Água é em geral
Vagarosa, tem moral
A Ferrenha tem talento
No Pereiro de Zorra mora o bom tempo
No vale de Carvalheiros a ternura
Nas Taipinhas a Estremadura
E à dos Brancos mantimento
Pé cruzado foi repartido
Na Rochinh...

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Lupini Beans - Tasty Little Bites

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Sunday, September 16, 2012 In : food and recipes 

The first time I was served these yellow beans in the local café with a beer, I did not know what they were.  In the meantime I learned to appreciate these "Petiscos" (Portuguese for "tasty little bites") as a delicious snack, especially since I found out how healthy they are!

Lupini beans are the yellow legume seeds of Lupinus genus plants, that grow all over Europe and are a common snack food in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and Egypt. The Lupini b...

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Some Like It Hot! Piri Piri - The African Devil

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Tuesday, September 4, 2012 In : food and recipes 

Thanks to Columbus you can now enjoy the famous chicken piri piri here in the Algarve. He was the one that brought this fiery pepper from South America to Europe and the Portuguese then took it with them to Mozambique and Angola, where it became an important fruit to the natives as well as Portuguese. 

Piri Piri is Swahili for "pepper pepper", but this cultivar of Capsicum frutescens is also know as peri peri, African birdseye Chili, or African Devil. It is a...
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Esteva - Queen Of The Serra

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Saturday, August 4, 2012 In : nature 
The Esteva (Cistus ladanifer - or Gum Rock Rose) is a common wild flower in the hills of the Algarve. This evergreen shrub is so tough that it can survive extreme drought and its seeds even survive a fire. Although this shrub does not strike you as a pretty plant during the greatest part of the year, it changes into a real beauty when spring is in the air. The Esteva then produces ample delicate flowers that color the hills white. The flowers are crinkled like cra...

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Motor Tour - 4 August 2012

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Thursday, July 26, 2012 In : sport and entertainment 

 The Associação Clube Horizonte organises the 2nd Motor Tour in São Marcos da Serra.

This tour will bring you to Azilheira, S. Barnabé, Benafim, Alte and back to S. Marcos da Serra again.
The tour is open to all kinds of motors and scooters.  There is a price for the oldest motorcycle.
After lunch there is opportunity to have a bath at the Fontes of Alte.

Registration is possible till 2 August. 

Start of the tour: 9.00 Snack Bar Arco Iris - S. Marcos da ...
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Summerparty 2012 in S. Marcos da Serra

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Thursday, July 26, 2012 In : festivals and fairs 
It is Summertime in the Algarve and partytime in São Marcos da Serra. On 3, 4 and 5 August the traditional Festas de Verão, organised by the Serrano Futebol Clube and the Associação Desporjtiva e Cultural, will take place near the football stadium.


What is happening when?  
 3 August - 21.30 Opening

                22.00 live music with Emanuel Martins

4 August - 17.30 Football competition - Serrano FC x Nave Redonda
                18.30 Veterans Serrano ...
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Who Remembers Jocelinda Silva Guerra?

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Monday, May 28, 2012 In : people 

This lady, Jocelinda Silva Guerra, from Winnipeg, Canada, was born in São Marcos da Serra and would love to correspond with some people that remember her. This is what she wrote to you:

 S. Marcos da Serra, a terra onde nasci cresci e fui as aulas da Professora D. Maria Avelar. Cantei com as meninas da escola na Igreja e frequentei a catequese. Sou muito devota  do Santo Mark que por sinal  Este Santo tem o Leao a seu lado. Eu por coicidência nasci sob o signo ...
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25 April - Feast Day of Saint Mark

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Friday, April 20, 2012 In : festivals and fairs 

Saint Mark, also known as John Mark, is not only the patron Saint of São Marcos da Serra, but also of the town of Venice in Italy. Also he is the patron of notaries, writers, secretaries and glaziers. Christians call upon him for good weather and a good harvest. Also he helps against lightning and hail and with sudden death.

He was one of the 4 evangelists and wrote the oldest gospel of the bible. He was one of the 70 disciples and later founded the chu...
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The Nêspereira or Loquat Tree

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 In : food and recipes 

In São Marcos da Serra people just love their Nêspereira (loquat tree). This evergreen, easy to grow, tree (Eriobotrya japonica) originates from China and Japan and is not only ornamental, but it also has wonderful tasty fruit. You can find these trees in every garden, no matter how small.

The fruit of this tree is called the loquat (nespera in Portuguese) and is related to the apple and the pear. It is the first fruit to ripen in the springtime. It is rich in beta...

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Feira do Folar 2012

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 In : festivals and fairs 

The 14th edition of the traditional Easter Fair of São Marcos da Serra will be held again during the Easter weekend, 6, 7 and 8 April 2012.
The church square and the surrounding area will be the setting for this yearly event. Lots of traditional products and handicraft can be bought here and there will be live entertainment with music and folklore dance.  Come and taste, smell, watch and listen to everything that will be going on in this lovely village of t...

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Reopening Café-Restaurant Os Duartes

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Thursday, March 1, 2012 In : news and information 

This week Café-Restaurant Os Duartes reopened its doors after a great painting job and closing the roof terrace, making the restaurant larger and to be used in all kinds of weather.


You can have a dish of the day for the nice price of €4. The restaurant is at the first floor and offers a beautiful view on the serra. The café is on the ground floor.


You can find Os Duartes next to the church in t...
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Protest or Carnival?

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 In : Carnival 

Is it a celebration of Carnival or is it a protest against the governments austerity measures?  Probably a bit of both. Not only in Lissabon, but even in the sleepy village of São Marcos da Serra, people are getting fed up and angry with the government´s measures to master the crisis. Today, there were demonstrations of protest near the Football Club, at the church and next to the village donkey.  Here the pictures that speak for themselves. 
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Carnival in São Marcos da Serra

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 In : Carnival 

The children of the village celebrate Carnival 2012.

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Those Were The Days.....

Posted by Marianne Hoesen on Sunday, January 8, 2012 In : way of life 

When you ask one of the older inhabitants that has lived in São Marcos da Serra his/her entire life, to tell you about the past, you will probably hear a deep sigh first.  "Aaahhhh, when I was young, things were very diffent here...." The village was prosperous, the hills were clean from weeds, there were no ruins and the montes (houses) were full of life and people.  

In the fifties of the last century São Marcos da Serra was indeed a busy place. There were around ...

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